
About Us

We work collaboratively with iwi, community, local and central government on ecological restoration planning for social, environmental and cultural wellbeing of people and place.

How We Can Help

  • Ecological Restoration

    Uru Whakaaro produce and review native forest restoration guides for iwi, hapū, community and governmental organisations. Providing guidance on restoration processes; from seed collection, nursery design and implementation, ngahere management and maintenance, with ongoing holistic monitoring practices.

  • Ecoscapes

    (Ecology + Landscaping)
    We have worked with ecoscape principles throughout urban environments over the last decade. This involves ensuring that native plants are eco-sourced locally and contribute to enhancing mauri and wellbeing of urban environments.

  • Native Plant Nursery

    Design, implementation and support iwi, hapū and community planning and education to increase biodiversity in restoration projects. Nursery design and planning, seed collection, eco-sourcing, and kaitiaki team development are supported through education and collaboration with Uru Whakaaro and the broader nursery network. Through facilitating events such as the nursery network hui, native plant nursery managers, staff & volunteers collaborate to develop support and education for the nursery network.

  • Provision Projects

    Designing for provision may include providing taonga species for cultural harvest for the purpose of preservation and continuity of tikanga & practice associated with kai, rongoā, toi Māori.

  • Para Kore ki Tāmaki

    Our team delivers Para Kore ki Tāmaki to Māori communities across Auckland. Working in collaboration with marae and whānau, our kaimahi deliver zero-waste workshops and provide resources as part of a programme towards waste minimization. We offer creative and practical solutions supporting zero-waste and upholding tikanga and protection for Papatūānuku.

  • Education

    Training plans and workshop outlines are tailored to meet the needs of staff, community, interns and volunteers. Workshops can cover topics such as; nursery set up, design and planning, nursery management, eco-sourcing, sustainable harvest, seed saving, propagation, kaitiaki training and Para Kore.

Get in touch

Tell us your story and see how we can make a difference.