
Native Plant Nursery

Kohikohi ngā kākano, whakaritea te pārekereke, kia puāwai ngā hua. 

Gather the seeds, prepare the seedbed carefully, and you will be gifted with abundance.

All good planting plans involve early engagement with local nurseries to ensure the success of ecological enhancement projects. Restoring biodiversity requires careful planning around eco-sourcing, procurement, planting and maintenance. 

Provision Projects

Taku manatawa, taku manapou.

First seeds brought here from Hawaiki by the kākā; in those seeds was the language – te reo tuauriuri whaioio.

Rākau rangatira (our ancient trees) are taonga that carry story, language, sound, and mauri, alongside this, they often have many roles in our ngahere. Raurēkau for example; also known as Kanono or Manono when young provides dye for mahi toi, food for manu, and shelter along waterways.

Bark (above) from Raurēkau can be used as a dye, turning muka a rich golden yellow. Our mahi is to advocate for their inclusion, care and protection.


Kotahi te kākano, he nui ngā hua o te rākau.

A tree comes from one seed but bears many fruit.

Ako means to both teach and learn. This perspective acknowledges previous knowledge and experience of both teacher and learner in the reciprocal learning experience.

Within the process of discovery and enquiry we explore connection of people to people, and people to place. Ako empowers each learner to continue sharing and developing gathered knowledge with the community. 


Tiakina ngā manu, ka ora te ngahere Ka ora te ngahere, ka ora ngā manu. 

Look after the birds and the forest flourishes. If the forest flourishes, the birds flourish.

Ecology integrated throughout urban design acknowledges the importance of manu in planning for people and place. Ecoscapes implement design that restores, renews, and revitalises the abundant regenerative design systems of Papatūānuku. 

Ecological Restoration

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.

If we take care of the earth and take care of people, we will take care of the future.

Our ngahere is the original medicine cabinet, education center, spiritual domain and food cupboard. Restoring our forests revitalises the mauri of water, land and people ensuring abundance for future generations. Ecological restoration takes into account cultural and environmental aspirations that uplift the mauri of whānau, community, and environment simultaneously.

Para Kore

Te toto o te tangata, he kai; te oranga o te tangata, he whenua.

 While food provides the blood in our veins, our health is drawn from the land. 

Our programme acknowledges the mana of Papatūānuku, and all aspects of nature, social, physical and material worlds. The health of people and wellbeing of Papatūānuku and Ranginui is at the heart of para kore initiatives.